Great Question! We’re glad you asked. There are many reasons to want to know more about asbestos including:
- health of your family and the people that will be working in your home
- complying with local regulations
- someone has alarmed you with the word ‘asbestos’
- you saw a commercial with a word like ‘mesothelioma’
The bottom line is: you want to be sure everyone is safe, your project can move forward, and you are not spending money on unnecessary tests.
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring mineral fibers that are very strong, and have excellent heat resistance. Because of these properties, it was used in many building materials such as insulation and adhesives. Turns out it is also highly toxic, and its use is now highly regulated.
The short answer is: very likely yes.
Floor tiles, joint compound, attic insulation, & duct work are some of the common areas you will find asbestos. Even in newer homes, asbestos can be found in materials such as laminate or vinyl floor covering. Asbestos was so widely used, it is present in many homes.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no ban on asbestos containing material in the US, so even new homes may contain asbestos in different materials.
You could be. But don’t panic, there is more to the story! What you really want to know is if you need an asbestos inspection.
Asbestos becomes hazardous when it is airborne and breathed into your lungs. Our guess is that you have not been breathing in floor tiles or shingles for the past decade. That asbestos is locked firmly into those products, and has most likely not been putting you at risk of exposure.
Some materials, however, can easily disintegrate and become airborne. You could have more easily been exposed to asbestos in pipe insulation or attic insulation. Again, our guess is that you have not seen prolonged exposure to either of those.
The real risk of asbestos, and the people that those mesothelioma commercials are targeted toward, are people whose professions have put them in repeated contact with airborne asbestos over many years. That is beyond the scope of this article, but you can read more about workplace asbestos exposure here.
If you have areas of your home where you suspect asbestos to be present, and that material is loose or disintegrated, it would be a good idea to have it inspected and tested. If your attic is full of old insulation, or if your pipes are wrapped in cloth that crumbles when touched, you should at least find out what you are dealing with.
If you are just living your day to day life on the same old floor tiles, you don’t have much to worry about.
Remodeling and Demolition Projects
The real issue becomes remodeling and demolition projects. If you are taking stable materials that contain asbestos and begin breaking, crushing, or tearing them out, you need to know if asbestos will be released into the air.
The US Environmental Protection Agency and Georgia Department of Natural Resources (Environmental Protection Division) are responsible for the laws and regulations concerning asbestos. Local building departments will often require proof of compliance when you are obtaining a permit for work.
Both the EPA and OSHA say that you must physically sample materials that may contain asbestos before they are disturbed. Contrary to popular belief, there is no set year or cut-off date for building construction. Though some counties place a year in their regulations, the fact is any building may contain asbestos and federal guidelines do not discriminate based on age.
Bottom line: You must inspect any demolition or renovation project for asbestos before you begin disturbing material. Even if your county does not ask for your asbestos survey when you get a permit, Georgia and Federal laws still apply to your project.
In addition, you may have circumstances that would cause you to want to test your own home or workplace for asbestos outside of planned renovations. We will be happy to discuss a custom asbestos survey plan for needs other than regulatory compliance.
Health Hazards
Asbestos poses very real health hazards to anyone who may be exposed. Even very small exposures for a short amount of time can yield big consequences down the road. This is not an area you want to cut corners in. For more information see our post: The Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure.
- If you are worried and want to know if asbestos is in your home: YES
- If your family can easily access old, disintegrating insulation: YES
- If you are remodeling or demolishing: YES
- If you are about to disturb a material that may contain asbestos: YES
- If you are not remodeling, and your old house is in sound condition: NO
If you are starting a project in your home, a quick call to your local building department before you start will answer most of your questions. Every jurisdiction handles asbestos a little differently, and following your local regulations for testing can save you big in the long run.
If an asbestos test comes back positive, a certified asbestos professional can advise you on the best course of action. You may not have to remove the asbestos at all. If you find asbestos and the material is intact, it may be safely managed in place.
If the materials must be removed, asbestos abatement must be carried out by specialized crews. The extent of the asbestos contained in your home will determine the scope of your project.
Call Branch Environmental. We’re experts at asbestos removal with over 25 years of experience. Our accredited inspectors will help you determine the appropriate sampling plan for your project. Our goal is to move your project forward without wasting money, while keeping you safe and in compliance with all applicable regulations. Let us help you navigate asbestos inspection or abatement. Call us or click here to schedule an inspection today!